I must confess that I have been so lazy in caring for lil Em. For instance, when Ash was a baby and having solids, I would sit her down on the high chair, read her a book whilst feeding her. This worked pretty well because she would be so fascinated with the pictures, she would flip the pages of the same book over and over and over and before you knew it, she was done eating. Feeding her was such a breeze.
With lil Em, sometimes I sit her on the high chair and tried the same tactic of bringing her a book. It rarely works. Because, as soon as she spots Ash doing something fun, she would bolt from her chair, refusing to sit still. So, instead, I get her to sit on the sofa in front of the tv whilst feeding her. I really hate doing that but, like I said, I have been lazy and I want her to finish her meals fast like Ash.
This afternoon, while feeding her lunch, she started climbing up and down, fidgeting even though her favorite Barney was on tv. She went and sat on the arm rest and started to push herself till she fell backwards. She came crashing down onto the floor...which was tiled...with concrete. My heart stopped for a second and I was all ready for her to scream her lungs out whilst hoping that she wasn't hurt badly.
Thankfully for lil Em, the Thomas tent which is filled with many of Ash's balls, and floats sat next to where she fell and it kinda broke her fall. She didn't cry as badly as I thought she would, only letting out a whimper here and there. I did hear a knock though...hhmm..
Anyway, just thank God she's ok. I have found my diet pills that work because with Lil Em, I run twice as fast, walk twice as fast, even my heart beat jumps twice as hard.