Thursday, April 23, 2009

The other side of Ash

Have I ever mentioned that Ash is a really cheeky baby?

Well, she is. And sometimes, urm...make that most of the time, when I am angry or being stern with her, I have to turn my face the other side to laugh (and try to do it as discreetly as possible).

She also seem to know when she has done something wrong and she'll try to distract me by smiling ever so sweetly as if to say "mmm...don't be angry lerr" whilst moving her head slightly from left to right...right to left. It's so hard to keep from laughing at her antics but I try my hardest to keep a straight face. Usually I'd succeed but there were times where I failed and she'd burst out laughing too.

Looks like another parenting lesson for me - to master the art of pretending with my kids..heheh..much easier than deciphering the various Ferrari parts, no?

Alright, below is a sequence of shots I took of Ash being..err...her cheeky self :-D


mott said...

cheeky? She looks like a sweetie here...


mommy to chumsy said...

hahhahaa..she is very cheeky. love how she put the sunnies on top of her head :D

wen said...

gaya, mutu and keunggulan! hehe!

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