Monday, December 3, 2007

Post Purge No.1

When 2 women gossip, what do they gossip about? Nope, not who Justin Timberlake is dating. No, not about the how latest maternity dress looks on Nicole Richie. Nope, not that either. Then? What? About other friends lah, what else? I shouldn't even say that its "gossip" cos frankly, there wasn't any bitchiness involved. I mean, when I use the term gossip here it would mean "not nice things to say about other people". It wasn't anything like that.

We sort of discussed about men. The thing is, my friend isn't married (yet). Else she would kill me. She was telling me about how when a marriage fails, its always the men's fault and the one who suffers is the kid. And that we would never truly know someone until its too late i.e we married the monster.

I only agreed to the part about the kid suffering but the part about not knowing your potential life partner until its too late is a little generalising don't you think? I am sure we women have womanly instincts. We can sniff them out. The bad ones. You can tell by the way he dress, he lives, how he treats his family and all that. Its more of whether we want to or not. Realise those instincts or turn a blind eye and a deaf ear. You can still walk away if you want to. Its always never too late. The problem is which I think most women face and hardly men, is that they are often blinded by love. They love without reason and without condition. They forgive all too easily too. They could be the smartest women on earth with an even earth shattering IQ above all men but sometimes, when it comes to matters of the heart, they are not too bright. Being in love or when you love someone, it makes you do silly things. Things that even the most rational and logical woman won't do.

I guess what my friend was really saying or asking was "what if I fall in love with the wrong man?". To which, I honestly don't know what to say. I mean, I could give her the Man 101 lecture or the 10 things you should avoid when you fall in love but whats the use? If you are in love, even Brad Pitt can't save you. Incidentally, I still find him a hunk no matter what anyone says about him...*wink*

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