Monday, December 3, 2007

10th Year Long Service Award

My father will be receiving his 10th year long service award next year. Actually, his 10th year anniversary was this September but according to his company's policy, he will only receive his award the following year after his 10th anniversary. So, we excitedly asked him what his company will be getting him. Well, according to the company's tradition, he and the rest of his colleagues, who incidentally have worked for the same number of years, will be getting some rare coins. Not just any coins but if sold will be worth a lot of money. Exactly how much I wouldn't know until I actually trade it but then, something as memorable as the occasion of receiving it, I don't think my old man would want to trade it for the world. If I know him, he would just frame it up along with his other medals that he has received over the years, from his school days till...till...oh, I don't know. I am not sure if he will ever quit working. He might just get another coin after another 10 years.

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