Monday, December 3, 2007

Purge Post No 2 - My little extra pair of eyes

There is something I have to blog about. This morning, I gave Ashley some water. I tried to feed her while holding her up. Needless to say, she was struggling. I was trying to be supermom holding her, her bottle and the bottle cap. Octopus isn't it? Yeah, I was trying to do that.

She struggled, struggled and the bottle cap fell. Ok, nevermind, I decided to put her down since she didn't want to drink. I summoned her to bed. When she woke up, I gave her her porridge. She ate like someone who hasn't eaten for a long time - very fast. After that, I put her down on the floor since she wanted to crawl. Remember I told you she didn't like her walker nor her play-pan right?

I remembered her bottle cap which fell. I searched for it, I couldn't find it. Somehow it disappeared. And I was telling Ashley "Baby girl, where is your bottle cap?" "Can you find it?", "Where did it go?". I must've been insane right? As if she could answer me and find it for me. Am I the only one here who talks to their 8 month old child like that? But she did hear me alright. She crawled towards the opening space between the 2 laundry baskets and started to make noise. I told her not to go there and promptly picked her up, she made some more noise. As I picked her up, I saw the bottle cap, in the opening space between the 2 laundry basket. I was naturally surprised and thrilled. She actually knew what I was looking for!! Or did she? Or was it purely a coincidence that she was at that spot at that moment? What the heck? I found it!!

1 comment:

Mommy to Chumsy said...'ll be surprised what the little one knows ;D Bravo Ashley :D

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