Monday, December 3, 2007

Purge Post No 3 - Facial Today

I went for my 3rd facial session today. It was good!!! After the 3rd session today, I decided to sign up for the course. The course consists of 7 sessions. During my confinement, I didn't wash my face properly so you can just imagine all the clogged pores and whatnots. I put off going for facial for quite a while now since I didn't have much time. Furthermore, the usual facial lady that I used to frequent stopped doing facial. Now, she sells clothes.

This lady is recommended by my sister. I have to say, she is alot better than my previous facial lady. The products she uses suited my skin tremendously. During the session today, I slept and with my mouth opened!! *gasp*. Even when she did the extraction, I continued to sleep until she decided to extract one "oil seed" from underneath my eyes. Ouch!!! That hurt a little.

All in all, it was a relaxing 2 hours and I am already looking forward to the next appointment :-D...Maybe I should go for a relaxing massage as well. I think I so need it badly. Hubby has not been doing his job lately..*wink*


Mommy to Chumsy said...

I also want a hoo!! my face hair looks like a gorilla now!

Chinneeq said...

take me body aches badly now :(

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