Tuesday, December 15, 2009

the girl can sit!!

Did you know, my Em can now sit on her own, unsupported. Plus, she's ready to crawl but, still have not found her upper body strength yet. Or should I say, her tiny little arms to lift her shoulders and body up. Knowing my little feisty one, she'll be up and crawling in no time. I doubt 'giving up' is even in her (limited) vocab.

Oh, and she just turned 7 months not too long ago. So, happy 7th month little monster inc! Gosh, how time flies. Soon, she'll learn to walk, fight over toys with her sis, engage in sister-ly cat-fights. Before you can say "ahhh...", she'll be able to conduct colon cleanse review. Yup, folks, with a blink of an eye, she's all grown up. Hmm...strange; it's either I want it to happen or I want to stop time. *confused*


mott said...

HOO YA!!!!!!!!

that's quick! Mine cudn't sit..till.. I don't know when.

Actually..I can't remember much now.


p/s: Hope lil pinky is in pink of health now..wekekekekekekeekek

moms tales said...

pinky's not pink of health yet. As a matter of fact, pinky is no longer pink - it's black!!! eeekk

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