Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Delayed Monday

Gosh! I should really get back into my ol' blog routine. Was just a crazy weekend and I am late posting (again!).

I'm gonna start the week off with a little meme which I discovered a little while ago. Its a series of questions. Actually, 3 questions. Pretty simple at first glance but when you start to answer them, they can get a little bit tricky.

Might be too late to play along this week but you can catch the question game next Monday :-)

1. Are you a talker or a listener? Is it ever possible to really be both?

When I was a kid, I more the talker than a listener. Then again, when you are a kid, you are always encouraged to talk anyways until your yapping starts to annoy people. But as I grew older, I listened more and it sort of became a balance but still leaned more towards the "talking" part. Its an inborn talent..LOL

2. Do you think God has a sense of humor?

Definitely. He gave me my sisters...ouch! LOL

Do you believe in love at first sight? Have you ever experienced it?

Love, no way! Crush, all the time :-)


sting said...

hahaha... tup, you sure got a great sense of humor there!

Cafe Mommy - said...

Funny...funny!!! Sister you gotta love 'em...especially if they are opiniated and know what you should be doing all the time. Sorry I've missed you!
Back again visit my blog: http://www.cafemommy.blogspot.com

Sandra Carvalho said...

LOL!OMG!You're hilarious!

Tina said...

great news my friend- you are finally a Drop Star - woo hoo! lol

Grab your badge girl, and let me know when its up and ill add you to the blogroll.

The link below tells you more about it xxx well done!! xxx and thanks!


molly said...

Hi, Just swing in to say hello!
I was always a good listener and now I've decided to talk through blog. Although still not that good at talking, will try.. will try..

Tina said...

hee hee sisters. i wish i had one. hey i swap you for a brother lol!

Mommy to Chumsy said...

hahahaaha...you are really funny, sista! ;)

Sandra Carvalho said...

Hey girl!I tagged u once again.
It's a mom and dad tribute.
Go check it out when u have time.

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