Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My little hiao po

You guessed it!!! My little hiao po is actually very hiao. Just to jot down this very interesting finding. Seriously, she is, VERY!!

She only likes men to carry her. What confirmed my finding was the other day, I went to 1U with my sister and her boyfriend, PP. Ashley seldom sees PP cos we only go over to my mom's house every Sunday and he is not usually there on Sundays. Anyway, to cut the long story short, when I gave her to my sister to carry, Ashley just kept her hands all to her self and pretend to look up and down. Her actions were like as if she doesn't want to offend my sister just by not doing anything hoping that my sis would get the hint or something to that effect. But when I gave her to PP, wah, the arms open so wide like can't wait for PP to carry her liddat.

So, I have come to the conclusion that she only likes men and it wasn't only because she graciously accepted PP's request to carry her but she only likes her yeh yeh, kong kong and daddy to carry her also. All the ladies, don wan but the men, hmmm...itu dia si hiao po!!!

1 comment:

Helen said...

Phew... then those ladies are lucky. Let the men carry her around. lol

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