Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Myth

Sometime ago I watched The Myth by Jackie Chan on DVD. My hubby bought the office projector home. Initially I didn't even know what it was in that sleek white casing until he told me. I didn't know such projectors existed. So compact and stylish. Since we didn't have the rolled-down white screen, we positioned the projector to aim at our super white wall instead. It worked sort of and since we had the sound system, it felt as if we were at the gold class cinema with our individual couches and snacks. The only difference was we had to make our own coffee or milo. No hot waiter brining my favourite drinks for me so every time I went into the kitchen, we had to press the 'pause' button cos I didn't want to miss anything.

I am sure you know that The Myth is loosely based on China's First Emperor, the infamous terracotta warriors and his quest for immortality. The movie was indeed a myth but after watching the movie, I wondered how close it was to the truth. I mean, his legacy and what archaeologists believe his mausoleum looked like. I'm curious, aren't you? Anyway, lately Emperor Qin's story has been making waves just like how it was with the Pyramids. His warriors are pretty famous these days. If you were from a Chinese medium school, his story isn't new. It has been around for a long time. Its only in recent years that it has caught on with the media and press.

If you are like me, caught in today's crazed, there's The First Emperor Exhibition : China's Terracotta Warriors at the British Museum running until April 2008. Plus, there's a fantastic hotel and ticket package from www.superbreak.com to witness one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century.

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