Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I am so jealous. I am so jealous. I am so so jealous.

My sister- in law will be going to Greece to celebrate Christmas. She and her husband will be staying at her father-in-law's holiday home in Greece. I don't know the exact details or whereabouts of the place of their visit but by the sound of it, sure is making me green with envy. First of all, not many can say that they own a holiday home, let alone in Greece, one of the most beautiful country in the world. Second of all, again, not many can say that they are connected to someone who owns a holiday home in Greece. Third and final of all, not many can say they are will be spending their Christmas at the holiday home owned by a connected someone in Greece. Man!! Just writing this down is making me drool all over.

For the regular Joe's like you and I (ok, I am assuming that you are a regular Joe. Maybe you are luckier than me but just assume for a minute), we can always check out fantasticgreece.com. A one-stop destination to help you plan for your travels and holidays in Greece. The main thing that sets this website apart from other online travel agencies is that its based and operated in Greece by Greek professionals who definitely knows a thing or two about all the great Greek destinations. Check it out, if you must while I go to my little naughty corner and sulk.


Helen said...

I love Greece. Yep, it's in my list..lol

moms tales said...

Me too!! :-p

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