Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dress Like Doogie

Remember this show? I used to think Doogie Howser M.D was the coolest and smartest guy on earth. I mean, he was, wasn't he? 16 years old and a doctor. Thats pure genius. Never mind that it was only a tv show but I still liked it.

Ever since then, I dig doctors. Really, I did. My aunt is a dentist. She studied at one of the local university here in town. When she was still at school, I would pop by once in a while to just hang out with her. I mean, she is not a doctor, doctor but close enough. I always wondered where young doctors hang out. Do they go to the movies or to the beach or where? Where do they spend their time when they are away from the hospital?

The only doctors I was exposed to was my family doctor. He is a grown-up and not much of a looker. I was curious to see if I can spot a local Doogie Howser at my aunt's university. I remembered she was in her 3rd year at school and she helped make me my retainer (she's not allowed to make braces for patients. Don't ask me why cos I have no idea). She consulted her senior who came in wearing something like what you would find here.

I was immediately smittened. On top of that, he was cute. I did as I was told, very promptly. Unfortunately, the inspection lasted for a while and off he went to check on other patients. What do you know, there are real "Doogie Howsers" around. You just have to know the right people to bring them to you. By the way, if your wife loves Doogie Howser as well, check out some cheap scrubs at www.cheapscrubset.com. If she can't have the real one, she can always settle for a close second *wink*


Mom Knows Everything said...

I loved watching Doogie Howser!

Kelly said...

I loved that show! I always thought Doogie was a cutie!

Helen said...

Yeah, I remember Doogie Howser.. that's an indication how 'young' I am.. ;-(

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