Monday, December 3, 2007

Book Review

New Babycare, A Practical guide to the first three years by Dr. Miriam Stoppard

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I haven't done a book review in a long time. I guess with blogging and super active child, there is just no time for reading except the occasional flip of the newspaper and magazine. Anyways, this book I bought when I was browsing through the MPH booklet on their latest releases and some bargain books.

I actually wished I had gotten it sooner. I have a few baby and how to care of a baby books with me. Some are on loan and some were bought. So far, none came close to this particular one. For starters, the book is systematically set out in the chapters. The why's, how's and what for's are mostly explained in brief and easy to understand sentences. Its like a compact reference book, if you can call it that. You don't have to read the entire thing at once. You can but you can use it later to look for certain things that you are not sure off. Perhaps the only downside is, it may not be very detailed. Comprehensive but not so detailed. It covers, what I would deem “everything” you need to know (from basics to hard-core) but it also gives you room to explore these issues on your own. If you are like me, who prefers insights rather than an encyclopedia, you may want to check it out at the bookstore. However, be forewarn though, the book cost RM88.50. I think you can get some discount if you are a MPH member, I am not sure. Just goes to show the exchange and what we have to pay as compared to someone from Britian who needs to fork out only 12.99 pounds. Unfair ain't it? Ah well, claim tax lerr..


Audrey said...

First time here but can relate to your lack of time for reading. My toddler doesn't let me read much these days. Always asking me to play with him. Sigh!

moms tales said...

Tot's Mom : Hi, thanks for dropping by. You too huh? i guess all we mommies are in the same boat..:-(

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