Monday, December 10, 2007

All Set For Harakiri

That's what my hubby would be doing tomorrow. Facing the wrath of clients or customers is really part and parcel of a day's work if you are the supplier. After all, the customer is always right isn't it? I didn't say it (him doing the Harakiri), my hubby did. I guess he is so not looking forward to this trip. Coupled with the fact that he leaves late in the night. For once, I hate to be in his position.

Thanks to his colleague, who has since left the company, my hubby has to assume his colleague's position for this trip. The one thing I remembered about this person was a couple of months back, he held a garage sale at his apartment (he was relocating back to Norway). He was selling plenty of stuff like old couch, bed, bed sheet (wonder who bought that?), tables, chairs etc..Basically, he was selling EVERYTHING in his apartment (except his wife of course).

He had the sale on one of the weekends. We went along cos we both had our eye on this wooden fold-able bar top. It was really one of a kind. We loved it as soon as we saw it during the Christmas party he threw last year. There was one problem though. It didn't come with any bar stools. A bar without bar stools. If we had gotten it, we would have to scout around for some quality bar stools. So, did we get it at the end? Nay, we could still live without it.

By the way, good luck to my dearest hubby!! Have a good flight and please come back in one piece *smile*.

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