Tuesday, October 26, 2010

busy weekend

We had a full day on Friday. It's very rare for us to be out and about from morning till night because we're such homies But, we were out the whole day since Friday. We had dinners, play-dates and what nots. Ash loved every minute of it of course. She behaved like someone announced it was payday advance weekend or something. Mini wasn't as thrilled though..she was cranky most of the time.

Also, it was my sister's birthday and we had a family dinner on Saturday night. My dad bought us all dinner at the Ship. Personally, I haven't been to the Ship in such a long time; 10 years to be exact. I used to frequent that place a lot cos my then college friend were good buddies with the Filipino band that used to play there after hours. For the life of me, I cannot remember what they were called but they were good. The place hasn't changed one bit and of course, the food hasn't changed much either. It's kind of my dad's favorite so we all went along.

Last night, after coming home from my mom's place and oh...how I missed my mom's cooking when she went on a week's holiday. My sisters and I moaned the lack of home cooked meals the past couple of weeks. I may have digressed. After we got home, it was the first time I treasured my weekdays more than my weekend. It was great and all, but there were times in between where you felt like you needs to slow things down and take a breather. I'm just glad all is over and we get to have our usual weekend yet again..heheh..:-)


Cynthia said...

Yeah I know what you mean, weekends are so crazy sometimes. Come Monday you are almost relieved you're sending hubby off to work so that you can go back to weekday routine again!!!
The Ship's great hey! I also like Eden (is it still around?)...who is that filipino band that plays do you remember? (I wouldn't know!)

moms tales said...

CYn : I am so bad with math that I think it was more than 10 years ago!!! lololol..I can't remember what they were called though but I did remember the lead singer's name though - Jack!! haha. He and my college friend..well, they had a 'thing'.

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