Saturday, May 31, 2008

To the nursery

Today was one of the few that showcased our efficiency. True! Most days, we would just take it easy on weekends. No rush. Even nap when the kiddo naps. Literally lazy weekends except for the evenings where activities around the house begins - at the park actually...

However, not today. We not only woke up earlier than usual and finished our chores by 10 am and was out the front door at half past 10. We didn't head towards the mall if you're wondering. Instead, we went to the nursery instead. Hubby wanted to get some (more) plants for mini back yard. Ash and I went along the crazy ride but she fell asleep in the car as soon as we arrived at the nursery so I stayed in the car with her while the hubs went to get...what he wanted.

After that, we went home, dropped the stuffs and went to a nearby Italian restaurant for lunch as I had this bizzare pasta craving. I gobbled up everything as fast as I could and took a stroll along the nearby shops before heading off to get some groceries at a nearby grocer.

We got all of that done by 2.30pm and went home for our afternoon nap - all 3 of us! Ash and I were zonked out by the time we hit the sheets and faster than you can say Fenphedra!

However, I have a confession to make. The very reason why we were as efficient as we could get today was because there was a water cut at our area for the entire day...hehehhehe...The water is back and the stuff in the kitchen sink needs a washing. So, gotta run! ta..


Mom Knows Everything said...

You got a lot more done then I did today. I hope you are able to relax tomorrow. :o)

Anonymous said...

That was a super fast effficient family day for you...:D

JK said...

We tend to adapt to situations fast, eh?

Viveca said...

I've been in nursery mode too! There must be something in the air (and in the dirt!)

It is fun to look at my new plants including two that look like 4th of July sparklers!


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