Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tae tae Di di

Ash said her 2nd word. More like her 3rd word. Her 2nd was “meh meh meh meh”. She would come towards me and say it. So, its meant for me I am largely assuming. However, this “meh meh meh” sounds pretty ambiguous doesn't it? It could mean, she's calling me, “mama” with a slight twist or she could be hungry and she wants “muum muum”. So, its not clear where the "mama" title is concerned.

Now comes her 3rd word - 'tae tae di di”. Her way of calling out to her daddy. Not exactly perfect but at least it isn't as ambiguous as her saying “meh meh meh”.

OK, so where on earth is this all going? No where really. I am dead buggard! Cleaning day today and my limbs are falling apart. I know, I am so hopeless. In those days, how my mom never fails to remind me, moms who stay at home had to do everything. From cooking gourmet meals 3 times a day to mopping the floor so clean, I could see my own reflection. No need for mirrors I tell ya! But not for me, after cleaning just the lower portion of the house, I already feel like collapsing. I didn't even entertain Ash when she tried to engage me in her “Lets climb the sofa" game. I was just too tired and took the easy way out – Barney to the rescue. How I love that purple thing!

Its not time for bed yet but I am having trouble keeping my eyelids open. I don't know about you but having to keep up with a lil cheeky monkey all day, everyday, I “prefer” the bed to my hubby! Blek..


Mom Knows Everything said...

Who ever said being a stay at home mom was easy lied! It's a very tiring job and it never seems to end does it. I hope you got a good nights rest. :o)

Lee said...

Hi Shireen, being a full time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in any field, since the payment is pure love.
And one good mother is worth a hundred teachers.
You stay easy and have a nice day, UL.

Tina said...

Hey Shireen,

I have tagged you with a meme!
Hope you dont mind x

You still gotta do it though lol

moms tales said...

Tammy : You are so right Tammy! I was duped!! lol

U.Lee : Hi there! Thanks for dropping by U.Lee..so true and I often wonder how much more I can take. Thanks for your kind words. You have a good day too! :-)

Tina : merci dearie!! Shall get it done as soon as I can..:-) xoxo

Anonymous said...

Aiyo..why do u do both floors in one day? I normally break them up. Else, one will pengsan from all the work!!!!

IMMomsDaughter said...


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