Thursday, April 10, 2008

Plenty to do

What I've realised after becoming a mom (OK la, all you seasoned moms and pops out there, go ahead roll your eyes...:-P), the house is a mess even after you have cleaned it. I mean, I thought I just washed the dishes a couple of minutes ago and the sink is piled again or I had just done laundry and the basket is full once more.

What about the floor? Yea, what about it? It is perpetually messy. I try my best to keep the toys, toys that I use to entertain Ash but she's not really that interested after throwing it all over the place, I still find myself doing it night after night like clockwork. Of course, some nights when I am dead buggard, I just leave things till the next day like my pile of dishes at the sink after a late dinner last night. Once I am inefficient, everything else starts to take a step back. I can't even leave a "window" at any one point.

No la, this is not a real and true rant, its just something I feel like saying. Whenever I see my house looking like a mini tornado (I only have one kid so far mar) just swept by, I am reminded of what my aunt used to tell me about singles (her landlady was un married at that time) and their need to be clean, tidy, to have order and how they are not receptive to have kids around their house, in case things get broken compared to couples with kids, they practically live in a messy house...LOL...

With all these movements and "exercise" (I know, the workout purist would pound their fist and say "its not exercise!"), I won't need Precor elliptical to keep fit, will I? *wink*. OK, I am off now to finish off some more work. Remember last night's dishes? Its still there, waiting for me...tata


Sasha Tan said...

my house looked like puting beliung just came and left after i just cleaned the house. No point cleaning also.

Helen said...

Yeah, don't we wish our home could actually look like those Ikea showroom. lol

Hey, I saw your baby picture a few posts back. You're so cute!

Leena said...

I love your new blog look. nice color and header.

Anonymous said...

mom to mom... understand perfectly. be it one kid or a whole bunch, it never stops.. sometimes i tell myself, today, i shall not let it bother me, my kids are happy, i will do what i can do. there is tomorrow, after all. hehehe

i have a pink heart for you.

Mom Knows Everything said...

My house always looks like a disaster 5 minutes after I cleaned it.

moms tales said...

sasha : u r right! absolutely no point cleaning but still have to "chap" abit..

helen : actually, yes..LOL...and hehe...cute ar me?? *shy*

shern's mom : hi Leena! Long time no see..thanks *blush*

constance : good tip indeed. have to be realistic right!

tammy : glad I am not alone..

sting said...

sometimes I wondered how my mum managed to work, take care of us and keep the house clean! and I only have 1 kid!

Anonymous said...

No no no.... u dont' understand.

Messy is OK.

Dirty is NOT.

So just clean...but always be messy. When you hv kids... all hell breaks loose..and every mother understands it. Unless of coz, you're Martha Stewart...that one diff la!


Chinneeq said...

shireen, d moment i clean my floor, it is again messy (+ dirty) again :(
How to finish work like that?

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