Friday, April 18, 2008

How to save time

Can you imagine that I am, of all people, writing this down? *snigger*

Actually, to serve as a reminder for me :

1. Structure your household chores. For example, each week, take one room for thorough cleaning and by end of the month, you'd have cleaned your entire house.

2. Plan your daily meals on the weekend. Make an effort to sit for a few minutes or 30 minutes if you have fussy eaters and plan your meals for the week. That way, you can do all of your grocery shopping in one day.

3. Have an all-in one bank account i.e a combined savings account and checking account

4. Another one related to them online. Saves time and hassle of physically going to the bank.

5. When you set a routine for your kids, be consistent. They will know what to expect and will be out of your way most of the time. Unless of course if they are sick or if you feel like giving them a treat once in a while.

6. Fold your laundry as they are done, don't let it accumulate cos it may take just a few minutes instead of a whole pile.

7. Get your kids to help. They must do some work too.

You know, while all of these look good on paper (in this case, on the screen) but in reality, we are only human and not robots. We are bound to stray once a while but just thought it'd be a good reminder for me :-D


Anonymous said...

i can tell you i have tried to plan all my things but in the end i will be late for functions etc. with kid in the house...yah i know shouldn't blame the kid yah!

From CS

HI said...

Love your template. If you're late, you'll always have the kid to blame...LOL.

Tina said...

funnily enough i have a rota for me chores and i write a list of meals for the week when shopping is done lol (i didnt say i stuck to it thou ha ha!)

moms tales said...

Anon : I think you just gave me a very valid excuse for being late for functions...blame the kiddo!! LOL...hey, how are you? Why so quiet? Don't be a stranger...come out with us lar...:-)

HI : Why merci fair maiden!!:-) being "late" can mean many things you know and may have to blame one adult..LOL

Tina : LOL, yes, which is why I have to write this keep reminding myself..

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