Monday, December 17, 2007

A True Story

I was watching the true-life inspired movie, Homeless to Harvard which centered around the life of Liz Murray. I know this is an old movie but I can't help it when I have un-subscribed to the movies package on my Astro. I am left with only the Hallmark and AXN channel for movies. A story for next time.

Personally, I love movies like these. Very inspiring and encouraging. It just proves that when the going gets tough, we should get tougher. I mean, I am sure at some point in our lives we always wished that our lives should be a lot better and that our struggles are the worst compared to others. How bad can our problems be compared to Liz Murray's? Her parents are drug and alcohol addict. Whatever money they had, they wasted it. Liz and her sister had to work at a very young age. They always had no food and couldn't attend school even though she would love to.

She made it a point to move on even after her mom's death and finding out her father has AIDS. If it was me, I would've died. I won't be able to handle it but she did. She made something of herself and was very determined not to go back to poverty. Not everyone can do what she did. If her mom had checked herself into a drug rehab centre like Stone Hawk at, who knows, things may be different for Liz Murray.


1 comment:

Helen said...

yeah, I watched that too on Hallmark. Hard not to watch... Hallmark kept repeating their programmes every month... lol

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