Thursday, December 6, 2007

No Time, No Time

Gosh!! I have absolutely NO TIME..I'm speaking in relation to blogging la. Gosh, if blogging I have no time, then I must have no time for anything else. That could not be further from the truth. -sigh-

I have assignments pending. The entire house is in a mess. As the years go by, I look more and more like my mom. In fact, my mom looks better than me nowadays cos she works. Now I know why when she was finally "free" (when my sister went to college) she did not hesitate to run off to work. At the rate I am going, I don't think I will wait for Ashley to go to college, I'll probably do it TOMORROW!!! lol..Am I laughing at my own joke? OK, I have to go get some stuff posted otherwise I will have to be super busy this weekend on top of the usual busy weekends.


Mumsgather said...

Hahaha. You sound like me!

Mamapumpkin said...

hahaha....sounds familiar....chicken without the head *smile*

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