Friday, December 7, 2007

Like my new look?

Talking about my blog banner. Well, thanks to this creative and sexy mama, she helped design it for me. So, now do I have a pro-blogger blog or what? muahahah...again, am I the only laughing at my jokes? OK, tell me its nice lar :p

I have something to rant. Last night (which is not the first), I logged on to the papaya network. Usually, its zilch so by 12, I will close my computer and go to bed unless I needed to do some last minute assignments. Not this time however. As soon as logged on, there was a yellow op available. Yellow = good!!! But knowing my 'nimble' fingers, I wasn't optimistic. Again, I was proven wrong, I managed to reserve the opp. And when I refresh, there was another "white" opp that appeared. Oh, what luck. Must be my lucky day!

So, I quickly did the "yellow" one first cos that was the one I reserved earlier with reservation page, number and all. Then, the strangest thing happened. When I press "submit", the whole thing disappeared and the all opp reserve statement came on instead. You know, the one where if you try to submit when its 'grey'?

Wished they could've rejected me earlier so I didn't have to waste my time writing it. I mean, it was probably due to a technical glitch. At least I didn't have to wait 5 days for my submission to be taken off after they reject it. Oh well...


Chinneeq said...

nice new look, hehe.....great to change our look once a while hor...i think i better go shop for a new theme also :p

ta66y said...

it's nice & sweet...


Helen said...

Waaa so nice ler... :-P

Yeah, nowadays hard for me to get ads too. I got 2 available but then the ops wanted unique domain.. *roll eyes* Mine is not lor...

HOnest, changing your theme once in a while is nice. lol

Leena said...

the blog banner rocks..the bunny too..

Mommy to Chumsy said...

nice banner :D so you ;D

moms tales said...

Thanks everyone...:-D *blushes*

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