Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's raining baby girls!!

Yup, I think the golden pig year brings to us lotsa baby girls. Just yesterday, my cousin sister gave birth to, yup, a baby girl. I realised its seasonal. This year, I knew many who gave birth to baby girls. I am one of them naturally but there were a few others as well.

Anyways, baby girl or not, I will be going to the hospital tonight to visit her. To see who is prettier, my baby girl or her baby girl. Blek...More pictures comin right up, after these commercials

*playing lots and lots of commercials while waiting for my next post*



Leena said...

i hope it rains baby girl on my next pregnancy. haha..how nice to have a girl.. i want.

a tag for you here.

ryeli said...

yes it's so true! most of the people i know that gave birth this year were all girls except for 1. and my boss just delivered a baby girl on 3rd Dec too, a whopping 4.2kgs and the baby's name will also be ashley. ;)

and another colleague of mine also gave birth to a baby girl that night, premature at 8 months but both mummy and baby are fine.

moms tales said...

shern's mom : sure hope it will rain a baby girl for you..:P Thanks for the tag..:-D

Ryeli : Wow!!! That is heavy...ekek...lotsa baby girls are named Ashley. hmmm...thank god for your colleague.

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