Thursday, December 20, 2007

I learned a new trick

Remember I said I was at the grandma's yesterday. I haven't seen grandma for a couple of weeks now so it was good. She got to with Ashley and was thoroughly entertained by her antics. Ashley literally turned her great grandma's bed cos my grandma has lots of things on her queen sized bed. Things like plenty of pillows and bolster for one. Then, there is her mini stereo radio, her many notebooks, her cassettes and her purse. There's even a torch light and a calender. Yeah, don't ask me. Its like her bed and her desk all in one.

My aunt was also home so she cooked lunch for us. She made some of my favourite dishes. Curry chicken, stir-fry vegetables and vegetable soup. She also had some left-overs which was equally yummy despite them being, left-overs. Needless to say, I ate them all. I even packed some for dinner.

As we were talking away, me and my aunt, I casually mentioned to her that I made the infamous stir-fry soy sauce pork. Just a family favourite that my grandma used to cook for every festivals. I mentioned that mine didn't turn out the same even though I tried following the instructions to the T. My aunt then asked me if I had put some chinese cooking wine at the end. That triggered me. Cooking wine! Now why didn't I think of that? It has to be one of my favourite food flavourings now. A note to the Momsie "Always use cooking wine"!!


1 comment:

Shellie said...

Yeah, here I get Aji Mirin which is a rice wine, and it makes the stir fry so good!

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