Saturday, December 15, 2007


All men that I know of loves to tinker with their cars. Some are soup-up to the brim while others, more refine. Generally, its pretty universal in that men love their cars, more than they love their wife. They could be seen wiping and waxing their car everyday in the evening if they can help it.

So, as the good wife that I am, I've found something for my man and I bet you that he will be pleased. Something that he would love me dearly for. He has been looking at car accessories for his bus since the body and wheels have lost its shine long time ago. He was looking around for some cool sexy wheels all over the place. I will tell him about deflectashield. Now wouldn't you agree that its the best thing for my hubby? *wink*


Mom Knows Everything said...

My hubby used to pamper his truck all the time, but when we had our second child he sold it. It only fit 3 people.

moms tales said... are all the same...:-)

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