Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ashley's sleeping style

Wow!! It has been a cold, wet and looooooonnnnnnggggg day. The funniest thing. Or should I say, the exception-iest thing (I made the word up) was this morning WAS the first morning we woke up before Ashley. It lasted for oh, a good 15 minutes. She had a late night last night. Daddy came home late but we still went out to get some stuff like a fresh loaf of bread. Momsie forgot.

By the time we came home, it was way past Ashley's bedtime. I quickly made her milk and she drank her milk till she fell asleep. So this morning, it was bliss for a while. We could've had a....!! *wicked grin*

Ashley's bedtime is usually 8.30pm or 9pm. Sometimes, if she is really tired and her afternoon naps are short, she can be "out" even as early as 7.30pm. Though I really relish the idea but after a long day with her (if she doesn't nap for long), I'd be equally tired. I had a crazy idea at some point to train Ashley to sleep later and wake later so I could get things done but decided against it. No matter what anyone says, sleeping early is definitely good for the kids.

Since we are on the subject of sleep, let me show you some of Ashley's sleeping style or positions. One of it is a bit dark cos well, was taken at night and I didn't want to switch on the lights, you know, in case she wakes up..she is a very light sleeper.


Mommy to Chumsy said... didn't????? What a waste...hhehehheehe.

Kids sure have a funny way of sleeping. Seeing the ladybug reminds me of Ashley playing with it last time. I better find it and see if she remembers ;D

Diyanazman said...

owh! just look at the way she sleeps... she looks so comfortable.. :)

Jan said...

the third pic cracks me up. what a funny position to sleep. oh well, kids can do a lot of funny :)

Jan said...

i should say -funny ones :)

Health Freak Mommy said...

Toddlers can really sleep in all sorts of positions eh? I like the 3rd one, i wonder if she got a stiff neck and shoulder when she woke up, haha!

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