Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A surprise call

I received a call from Citibank offering me some cash advance at a “special” interest rate and I was told that I can use that cash to pay off the outstanding money I owed on my credit card. She reasoned that the credit card interest is a lot higher than the small loan the bank is offering me and that I should grab the offer now.

She obviously has no clue. I don't have any outstanding sum on my credit card cos I don't work anymore. No work = no money = no spending. I told her that. I even asked her that since I won't be using my credit cards, would she be a dear and arrange for the cards to be canceled. She was surprised naturally and told me that this is not part of her job scope. She referred me to another officer and another phone number to dial. I haven't done that yet though. Will do so soon.

Frankly, I haven't used my credit cards ever since I stopped work. The only thing that gets credited is my insurance premium. Other than that, my bills are clean. Something I haven't had during the life of my credit cards. That's why I intend to let it stay that way until..oh, I don't know. Until I get bored of looking at the statements. Besides, its nice to see that I have a "NIL" outstanding for a change. Oh and my application was rejected by Bank of America. Thought I might let you know of some latest happenings.

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