Thursday, August 23, 2007

Something New

I have something for you guys. Last Sunday, Ashley turned 5 months!! *momsie grinning from ear to ear*...and and, Daddy'o bought something to celebrate Ashley's 5 months. Am I going to tell you? Of course I am! What you think I took all those pictures for nothing and wrote about Gwen Stefani (by the way, she rocked!!) as a form of "diversion" so that I can take, re-take and take again the pictures for today's post, for nothing? Yes I confess I did deviate from the essence of this blog when I talked about Gwen and I am indeed guilty (and apologise) of trying to fool my blog readers but but my blog readers are really smart people and they obviously knew that and was kind enough to wait around for my coming posts!!

Boy do I have something to share with you fine folks out there. Take a look at this!! Ashley's 5 month present from Daddy'o

Before you all hurl obscenities such as "WTF?? Where has she been sleeping all this while"..please, allow me to see, we didn't get her a proper bed because right after my confinement, we had to pack our bags and move over to in-laws place for a few months. So, we got the portable ones, the playpan/cot which was alot easier to carry around and move about. Now that she is getting a little too big, we thought it was time we got her a proper bed. And it was such a coincidence that when Daddy'o bought it last Sunday, it was Ashley's 5th month birthday (so to speak)!!

Momsie also bought her a semi rabbit pyjamas from Giant RM15.99 but since Momsie is such a novice at this blog-stuff-you-buy-for-ur-kid, that the pyjama is in the wash now and Momsie didn't take any picture of it!!

Lastly (wow, this post has a beginning, middle and end!), many faces of Ashley.


Mommy to Chumsy said...

Lovely cot :D Ashley has beautiful eyes. She's gonna break a lot of hearts next time ;D

Helen said...

Happy 5 months old to Ashley!! lol

I see your infatuation with rabbits is rubbing off on Ashley's stuff. lol

Wait, the yellow toy is a ??cow? No rabbit? :-P lol

stranger-online said...

Very cute baby

moms tales said...

hehe..thanks all...:)

Helen, the yellow one is a giraffe la...I call it Donkey the Giraffe...I have names for all my baby's toys...Her fav monkey is called Edward the Monkey...LOL

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