Friday, August 31, 2007


I hear alot of people say that blogging is addictive. Much like smoking. Its true you know. Why else would I be here writing up a post when I should be out having fun in the sun? Ok, you got me. I confess, I'm addicted to blogging even when I say that I would not blog or blog once every 3 days. It just won't do. I need my quick fix on the net before I end the day.

Since I need to write something, something dear to me, something close to my heart...I've decided to dedicate this post to my neighbours.

Let me start with the neighbour on my right. We or rather I nick name them Fatty and family since we didn't know their names initially. A friendly couple with 2 small children, the elder one, a 2 year old girl and the younger one is a 3 month old baby boy.

One day, my husband and I had a deep and profound conversation about Fatty and Family, it went something like this

Hubby : How old do you think they are (Fatty and the wife)?

Me : Probably the same age or younger, definitely not older.

Hubby : (With a bewildered and a creased-up temple on his forehead look) Eh, how you know wan? As if you can tell by looking at their faces meh, you Madame Zorra ah?.

Me : *Rolls Eyes* It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out, especially with my detective and CSI-like deducing skill, cos we are not young anymore and we can't assume that everyone is older than us.

Hubby : Why, I am young what.

Me : I don't think so, my dear. Please la, for eg, whenever you watch tv, after 30 minutes, the tv ends up watching you (he falls sleep). Rock music is too loud. You wake up at 6 am even though its the weekend. Gardening is therapeutic. Tell me, aren't you old?

Hubby : Yeah Yeah, you are so smart, hhmmpphh *walks away*.

So, did I find out how old they are? Of course not, are you kidding me? Some things are better left not knowing.

That's the neighbour on my right. The one on my left was the one that got both my husband and I cracking our heads, trying to figure them out. We call them Jazzy Boy and Family. The newlyweds came, surveyed the place, renovated and eventually, moved in. They have a cute little dog that I'm sure this hip mom would love *wink* and recently, the wifey gave birth to a baby boy. They are pretty quiet and kept to themselves mostly. Whenever we pass each other, we would just smile, nod and say "hello".

Anyway, again, we (my hubby and I) had our profound and deep conversation about them :

Me : Eh, the Jazzy Boy's MIL like don't leave wan worr. Think she is staying with them permanently ah?

Hubby : What makes you think that, that is the MIL? Could be the mother and Jazzy Boy and the wifey could be siblings? (Ok, for the record, we didn't know about their family structure at the time this conversation took place).

Me : No la, I don't think so cos I saw them unpacking their stuff together, Jazzy Boy and wife and if was the sister, she won't be so nice kua to help. I know my sis won't, "choy ngor tou sorr" (wouldn't bother), move myself la.

Hubby : Maybe its Jazzy Boy's mother leh?

Me : I doubt it cos the mother and daughter look alike. *Thinks Hard* Could it be that Jazzy Boy is dating or married to the older woman ala Bold and Beautiful after all the mom looks quite "hot"??? Sound effects..zheng zheng zheng The plot thickens.

Hubby : Hmm...why not you go and find out the exact details since you so "pat" (busybody).

That, I did (find out). As it turned out, the older lady (I call her Aunty now) IS the wife's mom cos during one of my conversations with the Aunty, she referred to the wife as "my daughter" and told me that her daughter was also pregnant. I suppose that explains why the Aunty stayed on for such a long period.

Despite my pre-conceived ideas about my neighbours, they are really nice people. When we went on a hiatus for a couple of months after my confinement, they helped water our plants and occasionally, was our home's watch-dog, not literally..but you do get what I mean. So, to my neighbours, thank you for being such nice and considerate neighbours, one that we can't do without.

P.S : Incidentally, Jazzy boy and family invited us to their baby's full-moon party tonight. I need to get Ashley ready for her first. Hope she doesn't get cranky *cross fingers*.


Helen said...

Happy Merdeka day!

Guys are just as curious. They're just eager to play "men are not pat". lol

My father never spoke to any of our neighbours but will try to get info from my pat mother! lol

BTW, nobody called your hubby úncle' yet? :-P

Have a great weekend! lol

Mommy to Chumsy said...

interesting neighbours you have ;D my hubby and I also engage in these deep conversations about our neighbours too...hehehee

moms tales said...

Helen : Happy "Belated" Merdeka to you? I agree totally, hubby is also 'pat' wan. heheh...Hubby is 'uncle' already hahah...Oh yeah, thanks for dropping by even though u busy with "orgasmic activities" :P

M2Chum : u guys too eh? :D..will post abt the "bag" soon...sorry couldn't do it earlier...

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