Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Colic : Every Parents' Nightmare..

I've decided from now on, I will blog at night which makes more sense cos I can think better with my baby snoozing in bed. Speaking of which, for today, no more funny goofy stuff. I shall blog about something which was the reason for this blog in the first place. Yup, to share with those who are new at parenting or for some who are not new but are or will experience new things with a second newborn baby (I was told every baby is different).

Ashley was a colicky baby when she was 3 weeks old. She would start crying continuosly from 10 pm till 3 or 4 am. Nothing works. She would fall asleep in our arms but as soon as we put her down, she would wake up in an instant and begin her bouts of crying. It was really heart-breaking for us to see her in that state and not able to do anything. Even though our parents told us that its normal for newborns to bahave this way but we weren't used to it and it just didn't feel right.

Initially, we didn't know what was bothering her. We were told that when a baby cries, its usually because of 3 things - hunger, wet/poo or too warm/cold. We tried everything, feeding her, changed her diaper even though it wasn't wet. Adjust the air-con, dim the lights, carried her in our arms to soothe her. At one stage, we even fed her every hour thinking that she was hungry when nothing else seemed to work.

Then our worst nightmare came true, visible signs of colic. Oh no, we knew there was nothing we could do except to try and soothe her as much as we can even though it was tough on her little lungs and body. Sleep deprivation really set in then and we were awfully tired.

One day, the hubs came across an article on The Towle Method of Colic Management. We might as well try it since we had tried everything from rubbing her tummy with medicated oil to controlling her feeds.

The towle method explains the process of digestion in a baby's stomach and why colic happens. Its easily understood and if you follow the method diligently, it does help, for us anyway.

So, after a few nights of administering colic management ala towle method, baby Ashley settled down and we could see that she felt a whole lot better. It didn't go off completely but the pain was well managed. She was also able to sleep better which was good for all of us.


Helen said...

I can imagine it must be both scary and frustrating trying to figure out what a baby is crying about.. especially when they cannot talk.

Hope the treatment will continue to improve Ashley's condition. :-)

MoonNStarMommy said...

My oldest had BAD Colic.... it was hot showers that was the cure for him!

moms tales said...

Helen : She's ok now. Thank god otherwise we would have permanent panda eyes.

Annissa : That's good tip, hot shower. But unfortunately, being chinese, I am advised against bathe/shower at night since her bouts were mostly during then.

ryeli said...

hi, came back here to say what i wanted to say. didnt get to leave a note the first time i read your post. anyway, ever since my confinement, i keep telling people that the worst part of having a baby is the month that follows. when i think back of this, i get shivers down my spine.

u actually didnt wash your hair?!!! i couldn't take it after 8 days and told MIL that i have to. she wanted me to wait 2 weeks at least! i washed my hair 5 times in that 1 month (one, i curi-curi did it!)

although i had it good already coz MIL followed this confinement recipe book i had for my food (so i had variety) but still, i'm totally not looking forward to the next one at all. u just feel so trapped! ;)

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