Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Day In The Life....

This is what happened at the Loong household yesterday, 30 July 2007 :

7.30am : Momsie and Daddy woke up to the sound of Ashley sucking her thumb.

7.35am : After a 5 min snooze, Daddy went down to fix her milk.

7.38am : Daddy handed Momsie Ashley's milk and water bottle.

7.40am : Daddy went back to bed while Mommy fed Ashley.

8.15am : Ashley finished her milk but refused to drink her water.

8.20am : Made breakfast for Daddy and Daddy announced he was not going to work cos he still had fever from Sunday.

9.00am : Checked Ashley's temperature and still slightly feverish.

9.10am : Decided not to bathe Ashley but gave her a sponge bath.

9.30am : Ashley's 1st nap.

11.30am : Momsie fed Ashley milk while poor Daddy went to the doc alone.

12.30pm : Made porridge for Daddy.

1.00pm : Porridge not ready, Daddy ate bread.

2.30pm : Ashley's 2nd nap.

2.45pm : Momsie posted pictures on her blog and Daddy tried to nap but couldn't, answering office calls.

4.00pm : Momsie fed Ashley. Ashley's fever subsided. Play time. Daddy watched from afar. Ashley restless. Momsie answered emails.

6.00pm : Momsie gave Ashley another sponge bath. Ashley crying.

6.50pm : Momsie made milk. Fed Ashley till she fell asleep.

7.10pm : Finger's crossed. Ashley sleeping.

7.20pm : Ashley still sleeping. Momsie made herself dinner - crispy pork chop and mash.

8.00pm : Ashley still sleeping. Ate dinner. Daddy stole a bite from dinner.

8.30pm : Ashley still sleeping. Momsie showered.

9.00pm : Ashley still sleeping. Momsie corrected time-zone on her blog.

10.00pm : Ashley still sleeping. CSI.

10.30pm : CSI interrupted with Daddy wanting to eat. Made Daddy wheat cereal cos no more porridge. Daddy made Ashley's milk.

10.40pm : Momsie fed Ashley and changed her diaper.

11.20pm : Put Ashley back to sleep. She didn't want to sleep.

12.15am : Finally Ashley slept and Momsie went downstairs to, in my sister's words "chill!!"...


MT said...

A long day for momsie indeed..taking of 2! i need a wink now after my lunch...it rained so stuck with lunch inside my office at my desk..:(

MT said...

hey post pic of Ashley's bday gift fr us. i hav no idea wat we gave her???

moms tales said...

ok, me will post tomorrow 4 u 2 c...

Health Freak Mommy said...

I cant wait for my gals to nap and sleep too. That's when I can have some peaceful and quiet time.

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