Monday, April 12, 2010

Ash's Sunday work-out

One Sunday morning, we went to our friend's condo for a game of tennis. Actually, it was hubby's weekly game. The weekly affair turned into once in 3 months lately because the friend went for a minor butt operation...heheheh..Trust me, it was pretty hilarious and no, I didn't look at the pictures...eewww. Got attacked by some strange bacteria or something.

Anyway, without going into more gory details, we went there on their invite and assurance that he was 'fit' to play. However, when we got there, he couldn't even get his butt to move even an inch. So, we ended up having the whole court to ourselves. Which was a good thing since it was Ash's first time actually playing with her racquet and ping-pong ball on a real court surface and not the living room.. heheh...

The next time we're there, I will bring my bathing suit and splash around the water with lil monster. She had just recovered from her sniffles that day so I didn't want to risk it.

After our hour or so work-out, we headed up to their condo unit for a brief chit-chat before heading back home. Both hubby and I were starving while both the kids fell asleep in the car. You know, sometimes, I don't mind them napping but I wish they napped at home instead because by the time, we got home, they were 'eyes-wide-open'!! aarrgghh...them not dozing off in the car is as rare as finding diet pills that work ! Uh-huh..believe you me..


mommy to chumsy said...

oh do go into the gory details pls :P Ash looks like a pro here :D

Ann said...

hahaha....yeah I quite understand the napping in the car and awake at home bit! More drive ins perhaps for you and hubby?

As for the butt incident!! I have heard of it before. So....does he have a flat bum now?

moms tales said...

Barb : Its too grossed out. Will tell you more on chats then...hehehe..

Ann : yeah, he kinda does. But then again, I didn't really look there u know u mean..O_O

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