Thursday, November 12, 2009

yummy chili prawns

I am going to do something here that has never been done before *gulp* (pardon the lighting in the photo, my light fixtures wasn't as good as I thought it was).

Lately, I've been surfing recipe/food blogs, sites and whatnot's. The reason is because I, this totally noob cook, have been slaving behind the kitchen lately and I need more variety dishes. And, believe you me, my "cooking" list is getting longer by the day (will tell you all about it in another post).

And so, today, I tried out something new (yet again). Surprisingly, it turned out tasting really good. The "new" is the chili prawns you see above. We had them for dinner and thankfully for me, it was a hit.

Also, I'm particularly happy because it's really simple to make and the dish is so versatile in the sense that, you can have it as part of your main meal or as an appetizer if you're throwing a party. I am pretty positive that this will go down really well with beer :-)

I am all about the simple. Simple but tasty.

So, what's this about me 'doing something different' on this site. Well, I am going to share with you this simple recipe to this dish!! I can't believe it myself. wayyyyyyyy!! But, yes, it's true folks, better believe it.

You'll need prawns (duh!). Don't remove the shell entirely. What I did was, I left the tail-end bit of the shell intact.

Marinate : chili powder
chopped garlic
chopped fresh red chili
salt (to taste)

leave it in the fridge for about 20 - 30 minutes and then, pan fry it (or if you have a grill, just go ahead and do that).

That's it. Easy. Now, just sit back and enjoy it with a glass of beer..:-)


mommy to chumsy said...

What???? Recipe?? hahahahahaha. Your dish looks so delicious :D

moms tales said...

yeah man!! can u believe it...cos i still can't hahahahahah...

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