Thursday, February 28, 2008

Open house

Whenever there's CNY, there will always be an open house some where in our circle of friends. Either its for the sole purpose of a get-together, catching up with each other once a year or its an open house cum house warming.

We were supposed to attend one during the CNY but it was cancelled at the last minute. A good thing also since I was sick during that weekend. Besides, we had already paid our dear friends a visit the weekend before cos we indicated that we may not make it due to other visiting commitments.

Our friends we telling us how difficult and
arduous a task it was moving en entire room to fill the apartment. It may look tire-less but it sure isn't cos moving and moving with 2 kids is an entirely different concept altogether. But, all in all, the apartment looked lovely even though they kept most of the internal structure intact i.e no major renovation. They just added the fixtures and fittings just like what we did to our house. I always say, minimalist is ideal *smile*.

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