Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Spock – The next generation

As an introduction, let me just say that I am still considerably new to the blogging world. Its true. The thing is, there is no 'old' or 'new' in blogging cos anyone with an internet access and can read and write, will be able to blog like a professional. Just like a speedster can speed on the freeway even without an F1 licence. The truth though, is that there IS in fact such a distinction. What I have learned so far are only the basics to blogging. Terms like "traffic" and "SEO" were alien to me and I wondered why they were important to a blog in the first place.

This is what I have come to realize. Maybe a little to late for some but nevertheless, I have learned it. People blog to be heard. Like I may have said somewhere before, if you blog for yourself, it is kind of pointless to be blogging so to speak. Blogging is informative, interactive and the best blogs in the world are classified as such by the number of “traffic” it gets, by the number if link-backs (there, I have learned a new term!) it gets, how high a page on the search engine it gets. These are the things that I am trying to master as I move along on my blogging foray.

Which ultimately brings me to this. Search engines are vital to a blog when you are looking for a high traffic site. People looking for people is what Spock aims to offer. Not exactly their tag-line but what I've attempt to sum them up. Spock is unique in the sense that after the search is done, it doesn't end there. Each person (be it bloggers or celebrities) discovered by their search engine is run through a process of de-duping (for people with identical or similar names) and given a permanent profile page. Spock.com - A Great Place for Search

1 comment:

Cafe Mommy - said...

I'm fairly 'new' to blogging too, and boy thanks for the lesson. I sure have learned a lot today..and will most definately check out SPOCK. Before I thought SEO was some sort of software or Error message...wow what a whole different ball game!

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