Saturday, December 8, 2007

What does a woman need to do to get laid around here??

Oppss...caught your attention didn't I? *wink*

Apparently, J-Lo was pregnant for a while and her designer had to keep changing the size of her clothes cos she was getting bigger and bigger by the minute. She denied it at first (like all of them *roll eyes*) but had to admit later.

Just look at her. Did she think she could even "hide" her pregnancy in the first place? Besides, she is dancing and singing on stage as if "nothing happened". I don't know about you but when I was pregnant, I didn't even dare wear heels let alone go prancing around on stage in tight fitting clothes and risk falling, risk getting clothes on fire, etc...

Probably a paranoid me talking here. Angelina Jolie went and FLEW a plane when she was 7 or 8 months pregnant *gasp*.


Chinneeq said...

din even know she got betul2 out dated :(

JK said...

Maybe that's the difference between Asian and Europeans.

Audrey said...

Aiya, these people lead different lives one-lah. Not the ordinary one like us. But wonder whether she will still look as good/sexy when pregnant??

moms tales said...

Mum to QiQi : kekek...I kepoh mah...yea, married edi..:-)

Jo-N : thanks for dropping by. Think so its the culture.

Tot's Mom : How true! Their's alot more glam. I'm sure they will still look glam wan la.

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