Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tags and Meme Marathon Part II

-This crazy mommy (in a nice way) tagged me with this crazy meme. I will join this crazy mommy to do this meme. So, here goes a Crazy 8 Meme :

8 THINGS I’M PASSIONATE ABOUT: Parenting, Relaxing, Procrastinating, Blogging, Surf, Read, Play, Sex

8 THINGS I WANT TO DO BEFORE I DIE: Bungee Jump, Be Angkasawan, Have lots of $$$, Be a Problogger, Have lots of sex, Be young forever, Look young forever, Cruise the river nile

8 THINGS I SAY OFTEN: “Come, Lets Go, Here, No, cannot, Don't, Not tonight, I have a headache (ooppsss..)

8 BOOKS I’VE RECENTLY READ: Blogging and reading other people's blog


8 THINGS THAT ATTRACT ME TO MY BEST FRIENDS: Kind, patient, humble, caring, nice, pretty, loving, shorter than me

8 THINGS I’VE LEARNED THIS PAST YEAR: Learn to write "post bayar"


- This lovely mommy asked if I'd spare the rod on Ashley.

I won't but according to the household rule no. 2167, under no circumstances shall the child be beaten. So, I think I will have to spare the rod.

...................................... Instructions :

**Start Copying Here**

Tag 5 bloggers

1st - You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.

2nd - Let the blogger know that they have been tagged by leaving comment in their blog.

1. Miche does not spare the rod.

2. Chinnee still spare the rod at this moment.

3. Slavemom does not spare the rod.

4. Kiasumum does not spare the rod

5. Shern's mom does not spare the rod

6. Momsie spares the rod not out of choice

Ok ok...let me tag a new blogging friend, Tot's Mom on the 2 memes'.

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