Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Kitchen is where the heart is..

It's also where the Momsie is, 24/7.

I am not kidding. I spend most of my time in the kitchen. Since I have no maid, its DIY all the way for me. There is always something cooking or something to be washed. I used to wonder why my mom is always in the kitchen. From the time she wakes up till until after dinner. Now I know. I am her!!! Well, almost her.

She cooks all the time, everyday. I don't know how on earth she does it but she does. As it is now, when I cook for Ashley everyday, I find it tedious, let alone cook for an entire family!! Speak about cooking for Ashley, I will post up some pictures later on the stuff she has been eating. Till then...


Irene said...

LOL! I know exactly what you mean about being in the kitchen all day! I have a 10 yr old, 3 yr old and 1 yr old..I feel like I have to sneak out of the kitchen so no one sees me leaving or else I'll be right back in there cooking something else for someone!
Thanks for visiting my blog, btw. I love reading old is your baby? My one year old is still single....hehe!

Audrey said...

Aiyo! You don't have to cook everyday-lah. For the lazy me, I eat out or order take aways part of the week. Save a lot of time & hassle that way. Anyway, my cooking not that great, so husband also prefers to eat out. Haha!

Diyanazman said...

you should be proud of your self, super mom! :)

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